Our Team


John Michael Franco Jr.


Shihan Mike Franco started training at the age of 8 under his father, Shihan John M. Franco Sr, in Toppenish, Washington. While training hundreds of students at TMAA (which he opened at age 24 with Sensei Sarah Franco) Shihan Mike has continued his own training with a variety of sensei including his father (until Shihan John’s death in 2013) and Hanshi Morris Mack—founder of the American Shudokan Association—(until Hanshi Mack’s death in 2017). Other instructors who have had notable influence were Shihan Tereo Chinen, Spokane; Shihan James Tawatao, Las Vegas; and Shihan Akio Minakami, Seattle.

Shihan Mike loves seeing people succeed both in and outside the dojo. Since 1998, teaching karate has allowed him to combine the two passions in his life: exploring his own growing hunger for deeper knowledge of karate and his desire to see people succeed in life. It is his calling to coach and mentor students through their respective journey to achieve their goals and dreams. This approach has seen Shihan Mike and Sensei Sarah use Shudokan Karate to help hundreds of students be better leaders in their homes, school, church, or wherever their journey leads them.


Quinten Bowman

Lead Aikido Instructor

Sensei Quinten is a life-long martial artist. He began here at YSK at the age of 10. Now he holds a 4th degree black belt in Shudokan karatedo. While away for law school he cross-trained in Tetsu Cho-cho Aikido, now holding a 2nd degree black belt in that art. He is currently the sensei of the Aikido program housed at YSK. Not being content, he also has a 1st degree black belt in Battodo.

Primarily teaching Aikido, Quinten Sensei’s teaching focus has been on approachable non-lethal martial arts, recognizing that not every confrontation needs to involve serious injury to one party. It is to everyone’s benefit if a conflict can be resolved prior to irreparable harm. That said, his diverse background allows him to teach when and how to flow into a more decisive response to attack when appropriate.


Elise Holbrook

Lead Sword Instructor, Lead Karate Instructor

Elise Holbrook began training at YSK In 1997. She began teaching karate in 2008 and now leads instruction in both karate and Batto-do (traditional Japanese sword). She loves the discipline and decisiveness required by sword training, and she is passionate about helping individuals of all ages develop confidence through the study of movement. She spends her free time training, swimming, and imbibing copious amounts of coffee.


Nathan Jensen

Nathan Jensen started training in karate at the age of 10. Beginning in the home-school class, he originally hoped to become a ninja. Since then he has decided to put that plan on the back burner, in favor of learning traditional kobudo (weapons) techniques and teaching students that karate is more than a physical sport. Karate is also about respect - for yourself as well as others - discipline, and family.